Pitfalls of Hiring a NATIONAL Marketing Company for your LOCAL Digital Advertising

I once read a remark by Lee Iacocca that has stuck with me through the years. He said, and I paraphrase, “I have great respect for the small business owners who have to make difficult business decisions every day. In contrast, it’s much easier for me to run a large [...]

Social Media Updates Volume 4

What's New in Social Media Right Now. The social media updates and news you need to know right now. Algorithm updates and social media platform changes to Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and all of those other rad sites and apps! 

How to Hide Politics from your Facebook Newsfeed

I spend a lot of time on Facebook and I have to say… these last few months have been brutal, socially speaking… I see political arguments pop up daily on my newsfeed, usually fueled by Trump Memes and Hillary Jokes…  I see policy change outrage and support that evokes passionate [...]

How To Hire A Social Media Manager | Qualities To Look For

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, and now Snapchat. All places where your prospects are spending 3+ hours a day. That’s three hours a day that you have an opportunity to reach and influence them to buy from you. But wow. Keeping up with social media can be a challenge. So many social media channels… so many things to understand about each one… so many changes to keep up with… You didn’t build your business so you could spend hours and hours on social media every day. You built your business to do… whatever it is you do! So instead of doing it yourself, consider hiring a social media manager. To help you find just the right person, here are five qualities to look for:

2020-06-10T01:05:08-05:00Categories: Social Media|Tags: |
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